For a position on the NBUA Board of Directors (4 positions available)

Fellow Umpires,
I joined NBUA in 1993, and have enjoyed working with our umpires over the years. I firmly believe that our organization brings excellence to baseball officiating in Washington, and intend to do my part to continue that legacy, both on and off the field.
As part of my day job, I serve as secretary of the board of directors for the SD association – a world-wide organization that establishes technical standards for SD card media. I have conducted technical training for people from many cultures, and believe some of those techniques can be applied to conflict resolution with coaches and players.
I have also served on the NBUA technical committee and have both provided materials and conducted training sessions for our members.
If elected, I would strive to improve training efficiency and work to increase our rate of pay for summer baseball, to keep pace with recent increases in high school pay rates.
I seek your vote, and am ready to respond to your candidate questions.

Fellow members of NBUA,
It’s been a wild ride, these past few seasons. We have weathered a season lost, seasons modified or shortened, and in 2023 a season starting to feel like old times. It’s been my privilege to serve on the Board of Directors, and as Treasurer for all of you.
I started with NBUA in 2007, when our numbers were well over 200 working officials. I’d love to get back there, and I’m committed to working with whomever you put on the board this year to get back there, whether I’m one of them or not. Coordinating with neighboring associations, engaging more with local high schools and colleges, and using targeted social media, while not new ideas by any stretch, are among many approaches we can use to increase the visibility and interest among ‘baseball people’ out there in taking up our avocation.
The treasurer role has been a learning experience. In particular as it came in parallel with a change in our assignor. Especially in particular when our new assignor was for many years prior our treasurer! That transition has taken a lot of work, training, and coordination. Endless thanks to Mark Clough for the support and guidance he’s given, even as he’s slammed with his assigning responsibilities.
I’m committed to continuing that work. To building documented systems and controls so that we avoid as many of the hiccups we experience from time to time as possible. I worked in financial accounting management as a CFO for most of my 35 years as a CPA. And having stepped into retirement from that work, I’m eager to continue putting my knowledge and experience to work for us.
I would appreciate your vote. Thank you for your consideration.

It has been an honor to have been on the NBUA board for the past six years. During that time, I have actively contributed my time and energy as the Chair of the Recruiting and Retention committee. In addition, I have also been a member of the Evaluation and Training staffs.
As the R&R Chair, we have streamlined our efforts and are actively pursuing leads that come our way. I have either emailed or spoken with everyone that has come to the recruiting committee’s attention and stay in touch with them throughout the process. These future members of NBUA are coming through a variety of sources whether it is Facebook, LinkedIn, WIAA, and our own website. However, the biggest recruiting tool we have is you, our members. I have greatly enjoyed being the conduit for those that you introduce to NBUA.
It is an honor to wear the NBUA hat and represent the best Umpire’s Association in the state. Our principles of customer service, teamwork and excellence guide me as a member of the Board and an umpire on the field. I ask for your support and vote for the NBUA Board of Directors.

I am Dale Wilson and I started with NBUA in 2016. I was elected to the board in 2020, my years on the board have been extremely rewarding and it has been an honor serving the member these last 3 years.
As a member of the NBUA board I have been the Chair of Member Services & Communication in 2020 and then was voted to be on the Executive Committee as the Secretary. I am currently part of the Member Services & Communication and Evaluations Committee.
My goal when I started on the board was to focus on looking forward and how we can get better as a board and an organization. I believe that I have helped to take steps in that direction with better and open communication with our members. I will continue to bring innovative ideas and being the voice of our members to the board and executive committee.
If reelected, I will continue to work on what members share as potential issues, help to build the member base and to have our members best interest with changes that affects officials on and off the field.
Thank you to all the NBUA members for building a best in class umpiring organization. The desire for each of you to get better in every game is what makes this a great organization.
Thank You
For the position of Member Liaison

As the current Member Liaison, I have assisted members in bringing a number of items to the attention of various members of the board, and I have provided additional input on behalf of members where direct input to board members has already been started by members. And, I have assisted members in protecting their interests before the Board of Directors. Which this experience, I would be honored to continue to provide such services to NBUA members.
Importantly, as the Member Liaison, I have been able to bring many items to the attention of appropriate Board Members, and on occasion to the Assignor, to express the members’ view of difficult situations or seemingly unfair situations, or to give voice to the frustration that various members have experienced with certain events, policies, or disciplinary procedures. And, when you have asked, such issues have been effectively raised on an anonymous basis – a procedure which is protected by the NBUA procedures.
Through my experience as a member since 2004, I know the bumps in the road that can be experienced while working your way up through the association, and thus I fully understand many of the frustrating situations that members sometimes encounter. Thus, I am able to effectively advocate on your behalf with individual board members, or before the Board as a whole, for explanations, adjustments, and changes which members believe appropriate, given a particular policy or individual situation.
In this era of a shortage of umpires compared to the number of games and officiating positions to be filled, I still hear from members with difficult issues. If reelected, I will continue to work in the Member Liaison role to enhance the visibility of your problems, to assure increased consideration and scrutiny of policies and issues which need the attention of individual board members or the full Board of Directors. I would appreciate the opportunity to continue to serve all members of NBUA in the Member Liaison role.