NBUA Golf Tournament

Maplewood Country Club 4050 SE Maple Valley Rd, Renton, WA, United States

Golfing Umpires, This is a shout out to get registered for the annual NBUA Golf Tournament. Just reply to this email or send an email to [email protected] If you are bringing […]

NBUA Banquet

Maplewood Country Club 4050 SE Maple Valley Rd, Renton, WA, United States

Social hour and bar open: 6:00 PM Festivities start: 7:00. We will be streamlining the format somewhat. To confirm your attendance, reply to this notice or email [email protected] Please include your […]

Voting Closes

WIAA Headquarters 435 Main Ave S, Renton, WA, United States

6:00 PM -- Electronic Voting Period Closes 6:30 PM -- Elections Results are presented and announced at the Annual General Membership Meeting of the Association’s membership (Both at the WIAA Office).

NBUA General Meeting

Bellevue Christian School 1701 98th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA, United States

This will be a general meeting of all members of the NBUA.  It will introduce the new Board of Director members and will be a great time for the membership […]

NBUA Business Meeting

Bellevue Christian School 1701 98th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA, United States

Our final get together before the season starts.  Meet Mark Clough (our fearless assignor) and talk about the upcoming season.  The Board will lay out any changes to the way […]