B-Tier, A-Tier, T-Tier Training
This is another online session. Subjects include: Mechanics: plays at the plate, double play coverage, unusual/close plays 1-man mechanics Expectations for B to A and expectations of A/TT feedback to […]
This is another online session. Subjects include: Mechanics: plays at the plate, double play coverage, unusual/close plays 1-man mechanics Expectations for B to A and expectations of A/TT feedback to […]
The idea here is to get the new and slightly used umpires into actual game situations. We will attempt to find teams that are practicing before their real season starts […]
You know the drill by now
More practice games
This is our annual High School Rules night with Tim Stevens. Tim (for those that don't know) is a long time member of the NBUA and also a former member […]
Another day of scrimmage games overseen by A-Tier and T-Tier coaches. Time and place To Be Determined. Bring all gear.
We all get together and work out the answers to the High School Test. Passing the NFHS Test is a requirement for umpires who want to be assigned games with […]
More live scrimmages time and place TBD. Apprentice and C-Tier umpires will work with B-Tier, A-Tier and T-Tier umpires on scrimmage games. This is a watch, work and learn situation […]
The final online training session before the fireworks begin. Any questions you have should be answered by now but, if not, ask them here. Subjects include (but anything goes): Appeals […]
For B-Tier, A-Tier and T-Tier umpires who will be assigned games in the upcoming High School playoffs, this is a chance to brush up on your 3-Man field mechanics. All […]