Category Archives: Recognition

NBUA 2023 Awards and Promotions Banquet

Your fellow umpires and their guests enjoyed an evening at the Maplewood
Country Club on Saturday, September 16th . The staff and chefs at Maplewood did a
great job and the evening progressed smoothly.

The evening began with host Peyton Coffin, Member Services Chairman, welcoming our members, their guests, and the guests of NBUA.
Peyton introduced and thanked Chris VonJouanne — and his orchestra — for his talents and a whole lotta time in producing the audio/video presentation for an evening filled with well-chosen tunes.

He thanked Mark and Jody Clough, who tirelessly produced the program and provided the beautiful floral centerpieces and raffle gifts. Without their expertise, I’d be up here ‘way too long.

The evening’s keynote speaker, Tim Stevens, long-time NBUA member, Washington State NFHS rules interpreter and inductee in the WOA Hall of Fame was introduced.

We then welcomed NBUA president Hank Margeson, who officially and warmly welcomed all and introduced the NBUA Board members. He then turned the program over to the evening’s Master of Ceremonies, Mark Clough.

Mark welcomed Tim Stevens, Tom Krause, President of PSSBL and Joe Townsend of PSSBL. Bookie Gates, founder of Baseball Beyond Borders was with us, as were Derek Bingham and Wil Snyder (and daughter Harper) of Seattle Elite Baseball. Mark also introduced Terry Howard, Commissioner of the Pacific International League.

Also with us, in honor of recently passed member Pete Perry, were Pete’s sister, Judy, and daughters Allison, with husband Adam, and Meaghan, with husband Matt.

Peyton stepped in to shepherd those assembled toward the buffet dinner while telling a true story about why it is not a good idea, when you are the visiting team and only one run up, in the bottom of the 9th , 2 outs, R2 & R3, to intentionally walk a batter to load the bases when the on-deck batter is Joe Townsend.

Dinner was served! Raffles of gifts for our guests were held throughout the evening.

Mentor/Mentee coordinator and co-chair of recruiting Corky Trewin gave a presentation of the 6-umpire officiating crew he organized for the championship game of the Commissioner’s Cup at Husky Stadium. He showed some great pictures! The Commissioner’s Cup was sponsored by MLB in conjunction with the All-Star game and featured young players from across the country who participated in Bookie Gates’ Baseball Beyond Borders.

Mark led us through a tribute to Pete Perry, with many pictures of Pete, and again thanked his family for joining us.

Peyton announced the High School Varsity Coach of the Year, as voted by our members: Ray Atkinson of Lincoln High School. Unfortunately, Ray was in Idaho helping family and could not attend. The award will be presented at a school assembly.

Tom Krause, PSSBL President, introduced the prestigious Pete Perry PSSBL Umpire of the Year Award, named after Pete Perry in recognition of his service to Little League, the Snohomish umpire association and to NBUA. Tom presented the award to Fritz Timm.

Brian Sweet, Director of Training, presented WOA Meritorious Service pins to those umpires who were present. Not present and want your pin? Email: and we’ll get it to you at our general meeting in January.
5 Year Pins: Kerry Clark, Jeff Evenson, Steve Mueller, Dave Richardson, and JC Cowan
10 Year Pins: Jeff Borgida, Rick Park, Corky Trewin
15 Year Pins: Son Jim and father Dick Harrigill
20 Year Pin: Tony Gonzalez

Many of our umpires worked Washington State Regional and Championship games. Hank and Greg Olmstead then presented State Playoff pins to those present, and the State Championship pins to Dale Wilson (1B, 2B) and Bill Fitzgerald (3A, 4A)

Henry VonJouanne stepped up to present the George Eshleman Umpire of the Year Award for Service, Integrity and being a Valued Partner on the Field. Goerge Eshleman had a lengthy career with NBUA, serving in every position on the board and guiding NBUA to the highest-standard and most-respected umpire association. This award was rightfully earned by long-serving NBUA President Hank Margeson for his outstanding leadership over many, many years.

The NBUA Golf Tournament trophies were presented with the winning 4-some again featuring the Borgida son-and-father team of Jeff and Dan, along with brother Jason and friend Keaton Cox. Dan Obrien was closest to the pin on hole #6 and Jason Borgida had a 3” leave on #14. Longest drives: Hole #7 was Jeff B. with JR Calderwood taking the honors on hole #15.

It was now time to present the 2023 Assignor Awards, presented by our NBUA assignor, Mark Clough. These are awarded to umpires who are “any game, anywhere” and have minimal turnbacks. They are hallmarks of dedication to our craft and our association.
C Tier: Mario Padilla
B Tier: Loren Ryan
A Tier: Corky Trewin
T Tier: Tim Stevens

Brian Rooney stepped up to acknowledge an umpire who emotes energy and friendliness and seems to be everywhere with great ideas and thorough follow through. The 2023 Unsung Hero Award was presented to Corky Trewin.

Hank again took the stage to acknowledge the 2023 Jack Miller NBUA Customer of the Year. Jack Miller was NBUA’s assignor for many years and fostered our rapport with so many of our long-time customers. He was the consummate go-between for customers and umpires. For tirelessly creating, managing, and supporting Everett Merchants Baseball over some 4 decades and positively influencing countless young men, Harold Pyatte was so honored. The award was accepted by Terry Howard, Commissioner, PIL.

The Leslie Fitzpatrick Rookie of the Year Award is very prestigious. Named after our long-time, beloved assignor, it recognizes an “Outstanding Umpire of the Present and the Future.” Brian Rooney, Recruiting and Retention Chairman, stepped up and awarded it to: Steve Lampkin. Steve set an example as a first-year umpire striving to improve in every game and always supporting his partners. Thank you, Steve!

Mark introduced Tim Stevens and invited him to give our keynote address. Tim discussed why we do what we do and what motivates us. One of the main reasons is due to the partners we work with. That obligation somehow becomes almost familial, and these relationships are self- supporting and trustful. Tim received a warm thank you for his thoughts.

One of the highlights of our banquet is the announcing of promotions and at this point, Greg Olmstead, Evaluations Director, stepped up and did so.

Promoted to C Tier: Jay Clark, Jeff Wilson, Matt Baskett, Max Gross, Darren Smith, Greg
Rivera, Steve Kehrli, Paul Long, John Fitzgerald, Steve Lampkin, Tim Janeke, Jim Newstrom and Dan O’Brien
Promoted to B Tier: Bryan McNair, Mario Padilla, Patrick O’Rourke, John Fahey, Cameron Ballarino, Brandon Pye, Greg Morrison and Nick Gallagher who worked 165 games!
Promoted to A Tier: Dave Jaffe, Mike Leitner and Greg Morrison, who worked 133 Games!
Promoted to Tournament Tier: Chris Castro, Mike Opprecht and Fritz Timm, the 1st NBUA 200-game umpire (in 2009)

The Brian Gooch Distinguished Service Award is named for Brian Gooch, who served in all board positions for many years and was known for his attention to and support of every umpire. Brian retired in 2012 and this award was named after him “For outstanding service to one’s fellow umpires and our association”. Terry Granillo introduced the award and presented it to an umpire who has supported all of us over the years and worked more games than any other since 2005: Peyton Coffin.

Mark meandered in with gracious closing remarks and introduced Hank to make the closing toast.

President, Hank, thanked our guests and significant others that support us. They deserve our utmost thanks. Hank toasted the past season and said we were all looking forward to a great 2024 season! He wished us good luck and success.

2022 Promotions and Awards

2022 NBUA Promotions and Awards were announced at the annual banquet,
Maplewood Country Club, Renton, on September 17th , 2022.

The banquet was MC’d by Mark Clough and produced by Mark and Chris
VonJouanne, hosted by Peyton Coffin.

The promotions, announced by Greg Olmstead, Evaluations Chairman:
Promoted from Apprentice to C Tier:
Adam Carlson, Craig Tashiro, Dan Eck, Richard Hepler, Andrew Alsdorf, Bryan
McNair, Tedd Dideriksen, Mario Padilla, Michael Skarin and…

… one other C Tier promotion: The recipient of the Leslie Fitzpatrick Rookie of the Year Award, named after our long-time, beloved assignor, for an “Outstanding Umpire
of the Present and the Future.” Brian Rooney, Recruiting and Retention Chairman,
awarded it to: Nick Gallagher! Nick crossed 153 games off his bucket list in his
first year as an umpire!

We had a special promotion awarded to a 2nd year umpire with NBUA (but very
experienced elsewhere, including Europe), who attended professional umpire
school and was accepted into the college umpire ranks. Promoted from C to A tier:
Chris Castro.

Promoted to B Tier:
Casey Bloom, Thomas Peckham, Jeff Cannon, Tom Niccoli, Dan Borgida, Carl-
Michael Aoanan, Michael Owsiak, Mike Spear, Mike Leitner, Peter Caro, and
Loren Ryan with 129 games!

Promoted to A Tier:
Ryan McNeil, Steve Mueller, and (all working over 100 games), Jim Melrose,
Randy Venters, Ron Klamert, Lane Loland (122) and Paul Reynolds – 143 games!

Promoted to Tournament Tier:
Dennis Williams, Brian Tschumper, Hank Margeson, Greg Clarkson

We have several transfer umpires and they have been confirmed as: Gerritt Nelson
to B Tier, Kerry Clark to A Tier and Regina Boyd to A Tier.

Henry VonJouanne and Corky Trewin asked us to join in their salute to two of our
honored umpires:
Tim Stevens was inducted into the WAO Hall of Fame.
Bob Matekel was selected as the WOA Baseball Official of the Year.

Tom Krause, President of PSSBL, presented the first-ever PSSBL Umpire of the
award to Pete Perry.

The George Eshleman Award for Service, Integrity and being a Valued Partner on
the Field was awarded to Terry Granillo.

Peyton presented the NBUA Coach of the Year to Chris Moedritzer, head baseball
coach of Garfield High School. He runs a respectful and talented program
throughout Garfield baseball.

Mark Clough, our valued assignor, named the 2022 Assignor Awards. These are
awarded to umpires who are “any game, anywhere”, and have minimal turn-backs.
They are hallmarks of dedication to our craft.
C Tier: Mike Leitner
B Tier: Paul Reynolds
A Tier: Paul Williams
T Tier: Mike McQuery

Corky acknowledged an umpire who emotes energy and friendliness and is our
best recruiter. Rick Park earned the 2022 Unsung Hero Award!

Dale Wilson asked Dean Corcoran, president of Washington Officials Association,
to receive the 2022 NBUA Customer of the Year Award for Unwavering Support
of Washington State’s Sports Officials.

The Brian Gooch Award is awarded for outstanding service to one’s fellow
umpires. Receiving the award was our long-time Director of Training: Henry

To all awardees: Congratulations and well deserved!

For your Board of Directors,
Member Services